The Perfect Stroller

My initial thought was that a stroller needed to be expensive for it to be good. I was proven wrong when I bought myself a second stroller, specifically for jet-setting purposes. It was cheap but it served me well enough.
Quinny Zap Xtra 2.0

Soon after I gave birth to my baby, I exhaustively scoured the internet for the best strollers in 2015, which led me to the Quinny Zap Xtra 2.0. With its unique look, durability and attractive features, the Quinny Zap Xtra 2.0 made me want to purchase it at the double.

I loved it incessantly the minute I put my baby in it. We never failed to bring it along with us whenever we had outings and it managed to turn heads wherever we went. Overall, I was satisfied with it. The only thing on the down low was the hassle of assembling and dissembling it, which unlike the conventional umbrella strollers; requires much less effort.

Ten months after, I decided to take my baby for her first ever overseas trip around Europe. And I figured I couldn’t bring my current stroller because it wasn’t going to be easy carrying a 9kg stroller around especially when the trip involves travelling via public transportation. Plus, many have suggested that your stroller might get damaged due to mishandling by the air crew. I love my Quinny so much for it to get broken, so I ended up purchasing a cheaper and lightweight buggy instead.
My Dear Baby Buggy 17089

The brand I went for was My Dear and I bought it online from Babyland2u. It only weighs around 4kg and costs MYR 365 inclusive of courier fees. Travelling with it was a breeze because it was lightweight (only 4kg) and it only required 1 easy gesture to fold or unfold it. It could use some improvements like having a built-in strap so that I could shoulder it instead of grasping it around. A free hand is precious especially when travelling with a baby. Besides that, being able to recline is also important for the baby to comfortably snooze off. Being in an upright position, made it difficult for her to sleep, and when she did, her head tilted uncomfortably to one side. 

As the conclusion, had I more information and probably a bit of wisdom, I would have certainly bought just one single stroller which had all the features of both my strollers combined. Having mentioned this, I came across the perfect stroller that absolutely nails it – The Babyzen Yoyo! Costs the same as my Quinny Zap Xtra2.0 = MYR 1500. Watch the video below to find out more! Drool!! Oh well, might as well consider this for my next baby *wink*

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